Nice art!
Nice art!
Thank you!
hey! don't say that! ofc you can do it!
i know that it can be hard at first, but when once you get that motivation and inspiration it's really hard to stop lol
if you need help with anything tell me!
;-; thank you so much you can't even imagine how much this means to me. and atleast i helped a friend in need so that's all that matters
Lmao nice idea!
thank you so much ;-;
Love it! it look's so dinamic and i think you did a nice job with perspective!
thank you!
Clean style! nice!
Thank you~
Nice style!
Nice concept!
Aaaw <3 super cute
Thank you 🙏😊
Hey! tambien tienes newgorunds!
insisto en que uses la herramienta estabilizador o de linework de sai!
Si no sabes como descargarlo te paso un link, pero sigue dibujando!
hola xd ok puedo intentarlo pasame el link :)
Joined on 6/8/19